Alhamdulillah for my whole 17 years Allah granted me with my soul and physical.
Alhamdulillah, for getting my chance to step into 18.
Thank you Allah.
Harap tak jadilah tahun ke lapan belas ini setahun lagi umur yang tersia.
Seriously, man, we live for years but we simply don't know how much is the portion of life that give us, at least, the smell of Jannah.
Mungkinkah ada sehari dalam tahun-tahun ini yang Allah redha ?
A step into 18, a whole new life supposed to be.
No more 'budak under 18'.
Matang ke aku? Seiring tak dengan nombor usia tu? Haha. Macam tak je :)
Thank you for all the wishes.
Terima kasih Aisyah Shahrowi, my bestie dari zaman sekolah.
Ur the first one to wish via SMS padahal kiub xsampai lima langkah pun :p
Thank you for staying, when you know almost all of my flaws.
Thank you for staying through the hard times.
Sometimes we keep on hurting each other but that doesn't matter.
Life ain't a bed of roses, and we can never be perfect for real.
Thanks Afif Faiz, second person. Boleh pulak cakap xpernah sebut nama aku selama ni.
Well, we have too much names. Alien, mangkuk, and so on -.-
Aku tak sampai standard hang kalau bab-bab study ni, even masa SPM pun aku slack satu nak sama result dgn hg.
Thanks, sebab suka nak sound aku bab-bab study ni even memang sentap gila bila hg psiko xhenti macam machine gun.
Thanks, sebab selalu tolong n sorry sebab aku jarang text org melainkan ada hal lately.
PSPM coming near, mari sini ajar aku Physics meh -_-
Atiq, third one. First MPP yang ingat birthdate aku. Kui3. Pagi-pagi buta buka phone ada mesej.
Thanks. Erm ... but I still don't wanna show my affection. It won't be easy to get it from me maaa. My walls are still around, though ada pulak budak-budak MPP, kawan2 Biro Kerohanian yg dah berjaya broke down that wall pelan-pelan. Haih, MPPs killing me sometimes, making me slowly show up that smile, that tears, that soft part.
I don't wanna show up that soft part,mak cik, TAK NAK :p
And yeah, till I'm ready to soften myself, thanks for being here for every fall.
Thanks Dayah & girls tutorial A2, nyanyi happy birthday dalam lab BIOLOGY. Hoho.
Pagi-pagi aku masuk, Dayah gitahu kawan-kawan haritu birthday aku, and the concert goes :p
One of my best part in KMKu is that I have awesome classmates for real, seriously. Appreciate them real much. Thanks sangat sebab selalu concern pasal study aku yang semakin tunggang langgang. You guys know better my performance after balik dari Kem JPP tu macam mana kan, sampai dah jadi hotspot teachers dh skrg. :)
Zul, the only MPP yg wish aku depan-depan selain Atiqah. Aku nak jawab pun tak reti, blur kejap tengah-tengah koridor. Orang lain yang jawabkan. Lama sikit baru aku respon, thanks.
Aku tak tau nak respon apa.
Innallaha ma'ana.
Goodluck for life. Strive for Jannah.
Dan sesiapa yang berserah diri bulat-bulat kepada Allah (dengan ikhlas) sedang ia berusaha mengerjakan kebaikan, maka sesungguhnya ia telah berpegang kepada simpulan (tali agama) yang teguh dan (ingatlah) kepada Allah jualah kesudahan segala urusan. (Luqman: 22)
Thanks Basmah. Padan muka kau lewat dua minit daripada MPP. Dia target nak wish dulu, tapi terlupa. Hehe.
Basmah, I HATE YOU, for breaking down walls around me. Herrrrrrrrr. 3 KALI kot aku tercakap benda yang memang a selalu aku ckp BIG NO for me nak cakap dengan kawan-kawan bagai. -__-
Thanks, for helping me to find my cure.
Thanks budak-budak kelas A, untuk wishes dan juga konsert dekat bangunan hijau depan pintu kelas 505.
Dah le dekat 503 masa tu kelas CIKGU ROHANA.
Aisyah dengar kot dari dalam kelas tu konsert diorang.
Tariq, aku claim dengan kau nanti -.-
Again, having my superb classmates is a bless, a big bless.
Penat macamana pun aku tahu korang ada dengan aku, yang selalu bantu aku dlm studies especially.
Bonds are there, make sure kita semua still united dlm same class utk SEM 2.
Thanks. Whoever you are, thanks for the chocolate. Nice one :)
May Allah bless you, girl! *from the handwriting*
From myself, nak minta ampun maaf banyak-banyak tahap gunung Himalaya.
I've been doing so many wrong things.
I've been having my real breakdown and I realized what I did was killing myself and affecting people around me.
Kasar bahasa memang aku tahu aku selalu terbuat,tapi setiap kali aku terbuat tu lah, aku akan simpan rasa bersalah tahap gaban gila punya lama. Cuma aku tak reti nak minta maaf depan-depan. Serius mintak maaf kuasa sejuta :(
Maaf bila tegas aku selalu menyakitkan. I'm used to that to protect myself. Dan ya, aku tahu aku kena berubah mana yang patut kalau nak terus hidup macam orang. Maksud aku, jadi orang.
Most of it, everything I did and said, even the harsh ones, my stone face, just to protect myself.
Don't have older or younger brothers, sisters or whatever it is and even my dad is paralyzed since I was in Standard 5, need me to be strong enough to survive independently no matter how hard is it.
If and only if, korang kenal some guys (even some girls) yg aku kenal selama ni, the community I once lived in, then kau tahu kenapa aku terpaksa mcmni, it was all about surviving without dropping your dignity, deen and even safety.
Atiqah Bt Jamdin, thanks for that song, that chocolate.
Abah aku boleh buat muka selamba bila aku balik,tanya 'bila hang nak kahwin?'.
Mak aii..
dan pesan abah aku
"Awak jangan ragging orang. Orang ragging awak takpa lagi, jangan awak ragging orang. Nanti menyesal."
May Allah bless :)